
Lisette Portfoilio Dress

So I'm pretty much a pattern hoarding. I figured it was about time I start working my way through a lot of my  Big 4 (simplicity, butterick, mccalls, & vouge) patterns. Not to mention some of my fabric stash. I completed the Lisette Portfolio Dress (simplicity 2245) It's a quick sew, but I did manage to fudge it up a bit. I thought I could get away without stay stitching the neckline, or using interfacing. I was very wrong. I ended up have to turn the neckline over and stitch it down because it was so warped and wobbly looking. But other than that little snafu I really like this dress. It looks good on with a belt. I was going to take some pictures of me in it but got a bit shy at the last second.

Pictures of it on me...