


While I consider myself somewhat of a morning person, actually doing things besides drinking coffee and watching the previous day's episode of the daily show are kind of taxing before sunrise. I work in a professional environment though, and it holds me to a certain amount of actually being put together.

I love makeup, and can do some pretty amazing things with it when I have the time or occasion. Working in an office where I don't interact with more but a few people on a regular day has tricked me into thinking I can get away with looking like a bit of a schlump. So it's been my personal mission for the month of September and onward to pull myself together. The above products are the most basic and essential cosmetics for me. If I do three out of these seven I can look about a 100 times more professional.

I myself prefer Clinique products because they are fragrance free, and are one of the only brands that don't make me break out.

So here's, in order of importance, my work day makeup routine.

First I always use a moisturizer after my daily spf. My skin is on the dryer side now that fall is headed our way. A fresh face for the office is best for me. Granted I'm pretty lucky that I don't break out too often. Even when my skin isn't very nice, I don't think I would want to wear a full coverage face to the office. Maybe a bit of concealer if it's really bad.

Second, I curl my eyelashes and use mascara. Even if that's the extent of my makeup for the day it makes a big difference in opening up my face and brightening my eyes.

Third, I keep a peachy mauve color lipstick in my bag at all times. Not only is it an easy color for my skintone to just swipe and go, I can also use it as a creme blush if I'm feeling up for it. While I do some more crazy colors when I'm not at work, I keep it subtle during the day.

At this point I can be done and feel pretty put together.

If I've got time though I do my brows, which makes a huge difference for me. I fill them in slightly and add a bit more of an arch than they have naturally. This really makes my eyes stand out, and brings out a bit more of my bone structure.

If I want even more definition I use a kohl pencil along the top lash-line, sometimes going into a small cat eye, other times not. I like the pencil because I can keep it in my bag and not worry about getting liquid eye liner everywhere. Not that I don't love me some liquid eyeliner, but for me it's not a great fit for work.

Lastly I keep shine papers in my desk. If I'm feeling extra oily some days it's good to have something to freshen up short of washing your face. These are much better for me than a powder, again I'm not big on the caked on feeling a lot of that makeup gives my skin.

Do you have any makeup essentials? Whats your work makeup routine like? 

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