
IPF: A Whole New Year

I've had quite a busy holiday season.
 After Christmas my good friend Alex and his girlfriend came and visited from my old hometown. We had a blast and it's always fun to be a tourist in your own city. We spent some time in Northside at a few of our old favorite hang outs. Had some delicious brunch at Melt.  It's interesting trying to eat out on our new Paleo Diet. There's not a lot options wise, but most places are very willing to work with us. Melt was no exception. Browsed the vinyl basement at Shake It Records, and brought a few vintage dresses over at Casablanca Vintage

We also ended up seeing Django Unchained at one of my favorite movie theaters in Cincinnati, The 102 year old Esquire. The movie itself was hard to watch, given the gruesome subject matter. It was a good revenge flick though in the end. Very Tarantino, ultra violent, ultra obscene, and controversial. Leo DiCaprio should play the villain more though, it suits him. 

We still had some serious snow, until just today. Heavy wet stuff, that sticks to branches and roads. I'm glad to see it melt.

Brian showed up mid week to come to lunch with me, he looked quite dapper. We got some delicious Korean food. 

Brian and I have also subscribed to Tonx Coffee.  They send you a bag of beans from all over the world according to how often you want delivery. Something to keep our morning routines interesting. I've never been one to turn down a good cup of coffee either. 

I've been releasing my inner goth kid around the house with an on the whim rediculous drugstore lipstick buy. I brought a few, and have a blog post going for that. I don't know if that's even something people besides me want to read, but it's my blog. Sorry, not sorry.

Hope you guys had a great New Years! 

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