
How I Store My Vintage Patterns

I know I've mentioned my sewing pattern hoard collection before. I own a lot. Probably too many.
I'd say my collection is about half vintage, and half modern.

I just had them stuffed in a box haphazardly for a long time, which made it hard to find anything. Also it wasn't doing any favors for my delicate paper patterns. (I have some dating back to the 20's!). So I decided to do something about it.

I got an idea from the most unlikely of places, my nerdy boyfriend Brian.

Isn't he handsome? PS this is totally at epcot, excuse the hat. 

Brian likes LOVES comics. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only reason we bought our house is because he could walk to the comic store from it. 

Who loves and wants to protect paper more than sewing pattern hoarders? 


In fact they have very specific products to protect and preserve their comics. I guess I just lucked out that my paper product was similar in size to theirs. 

Here's what you'll need. 

Long Boxes (I mean you could use the shorts, but my collection barely fits into the two long ones.)

I of course purchased these at my local comic book shop, any comic book shop should carry these supplies. 

I used the backing boards to stabilize my extra delicate vintage patterns. You can use them on the modern ones or not, it's up to you. You then put the pattern with or without the backing board into the bag and seal with a piece of acid free tape. The bags and boards are already acid free, which is awesome. You should end up with something like this. 

Easy peasy right?

Here's the entirety of my pattern collection, taking up way less room, and so much safer, than before.

 I used the backing boards, with tabs I cut from other backing board tape on them, to serve as dividers in my vintage box. I'll eventually organize the modern side into the big four pattern companies.

No pattern is safe around Taco though, his name should be paper destroyer. 

 A plus I've also found for using these comic book bags is that if you can't fit your pattern into the envelope, it's much easier just put it in the comic book bag. Better yet, for printable patterns you have an envelope to store your pieces.

I hope this helps you fellow pattern hoarders at least get your "situation" organized. Let's just all thank my boyfriend, with his nose in his Absolute Dark Knight book shall we?


  1. I want to dig through the pattern AND comic collection at your house.

  2. We paired down on a lot of the comics, but we still have quite a good selection, a lot of it is Gaimen stuff.
